
You can now build a LEGO whorehouse with Chinese knockoffs

2017-09-01 Shanghaiist Shanghaiist

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A Chinese company which produces "LEGO compatible" sets has recently released a box of blocks that will allow you to build your own whorehouse.

The knockoff company, Xingbao, has partnered with some adult fans of LEGO (which apparently can be acronymized as AFOL) to create sets that the beloved world-famous maker of plastic blocks might find morally objectionable, releasing them into the Asian marketplace.

Xingbao's brothel is part of the company's traditional Chinese street series -- because what Chinese street is complete without a good whorehouse? The set comes with some flirtatious courtesan models, as well as some models for lecherous male customers.

No, their clothing does not come off.

While the brothel is now labeled as the "Yihong Courtyard," the website Brick Fanatics notesthat when it was first released back in July the set was more straightforwardly called the "Yihong Brothel."

Brick Fanatics, a community dedicated to all things LEGO, also points out that while the brothel may be designed for adult LEGO fans, it is listed as an "educational" product for children six years old and older.

[h/t Redwire Times]

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